Centenary Celebrations Continue Down South
On a perfect Autumn day, staff, shareholders and business partners congregated to Konetta Station and celebrated the company's centenary.

Following a successful northern celebration at Braemar earlier in the year, it was time to celebrate our centenary in the south.
Kingsley and Loretta Breeding and their team at Konetta put on an event full of food, drink and good times. Even a "guess the micron" game provided an extra party feel.
Keith McBride, Chairman, welcomed everyone in his opening speech and enlightened everyone of the journey it took to hit this momentous milestone. Guests later enjoyed a lunch, prepared and served by the Lions Club of Kingston. We sincerely thank them for their efforts and the delicious spread.
As "rare as hen's teeth" Lindsay Breeding, Operations Manager took to the stage and thanked the many people, both past and present who have contributed to this successful company.
While we had planned a 2020 celebration, heading now toward our 101st birthday, it has to be said that it was well worth the wait!