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The McBride family has been grazing South Australian property since the nineteenth century. AJ & PA McBride Ltd now owns and operates five pastoral and four grazing properties in South Australia, as well as a mixed farming and grazing property on the border of South Australia and Victoria.

Please choose a property below to view more information.

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South East South Australia Locations

The South East of South Australia is known for its rich soils and high rainfall, ideal for grazing operations. AJ & PA McBride Ltd has been operating property in this region since 1937.

Ashmore Woolshed


Located close to the coastal town of Kingston SE, Ashmore Station was the company's first South Eastern purchase in 1936.
Brook Morning Mist


Situated nearby the town of Lucindale, Brooklyn Station comprises a fine wool flock.
Nep Ai Ewes And Lambs Grass Hil


Nepowie Station is home to the company's two internal merino studs.
Konetta Shed Mcbride Header


Located at Greenways on the Princes Highway, Konetta station produces fine wool, award winning prime lamb and beef.
Keilira Station186


Keilira is located along the Avenue Range where a mixed sheep and cattle operation is run. It is the company’s most recent acquisition.

North East Pastoral Locations

The North East Pastoral district is the birthplace of AJ & PA McBride Ltd, with our family having operated land in this region since the 1850s. Situated on the edge of the Flinders Ranges, the often harsh landscape is breathtaking in its beauty.

Teetulpa Overlooking Homestead And Teddy Wapper


Teetulpa is situated at the small Barrier Highway town of Yunta on the rangelands of the North East Pastoral district
Bra Store Sale In Yards


Containing the first property purchased by AJ McBride, Braemar Station is located near Burra

North West Pastoral Locations

The North West Pastoral district is characterised by low rainfall and arid conditions but picturesque vistas of red soils and bluebush. Aided by the protection of the dog fence, sheep thrive in this area.

Nw Unshorn Sheep In Yards


Located near the railway town of Tarcoola, Wilgena is the company's largest property by area.
Yu Shearing Shed Sunrise Good


Located just 80km from Port Augusta, Yudnapinna Station is the company's most recent pastoral acquisition.

Western Victoria Locations

The Wimmera region of western Victoria is famed for its high quality grazing land and crops. The company commenced operations in this region in late 2018.

Tel Aerial Silo And Equip

Telopea Downs

Located on the Victorian - South Australian Border, Telopea Downs is a large mixed grazing and cropping property which also host's the company's Angus beef stud.

Viticulture Locations

Faced with the collapse of the wool price in the late 1990s, the company diversified interests including in viticulture.

Drive up to Bleasdale

Bleasdale Winery

The oldest winery in the Langhorne Creek wine region of South Australia.

Adelaide Locations

The company's small portfolio of commercial properties provides a hedge to the vagaries of agriculture.

165 Grenfell St Adelaide

165 Grenfell St, Adelaide

Located in the Adelaide CBD, this property houses the company's head office and several corporate tenants.

Get in touch

Head Office
Level 1, 165 Grenfell St
Adelaide SA 5000

Postal Address
GPO Box 649
Adelaide SA 5001

P 08 8272 1612 / F 08 8272 4119