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AJ & PA McBride Ltd – Privacy Policy

AJ & PA McBride Ltd and its wholly owned subsidiaries (together ‘the group’) recognises the importance of protecting personal information, which it may be required to collect from individuals who become associated with its business. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to ensure that any personal information provided to the group by an individual is protected in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988.

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy:

  • “personal information” means information relating to an individual, including an opinion (which may be provided to the group as part of its business dealings and shareholders meetings) either in material form or not, and whether true or not. Such information may personally identify an individual or make the person’s identity reasonably apparent;
  • “sensitive information” means information or an opinion about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual practices, criminal record, health or genetic information.

The group takes its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 seriously, and as such, will take all reasonable steps in order to comply with the Act and protect the privacy of personal information that it holds.

Collection and Use of Information

The group requires the collection of personal information from individuals in order to establish and maintain an employment relationship and to service its shareholders’ needs.

The group may collect and hold personal information, such as, but not limited to, names of employees and proprietors of organisations, addresses, telephone numbers, facsimile numbers, email addresses, titles and professional affiliations, bank accounts, superannuation details and tax file numbers. The group will not disclose this information to any other organisation, nor will it send any information overseas for any purpose whatsoever.

In the event that sensitive information is collected by the group, it will not be used or disclosed for any purpose without the express permission of the individual, except in the very limited circumstances permitted by the Act. The collection, use and disclosure of information will be in accordance with the group collection statement (below).

Storage, Access and Retention of Personal Information

All personal information collected by the group will be retained as part of a database, which will be securely monitored and maintained by the group. The data will not be made available to a third party, unless it is legally required and verified, without the authority of the individual who provided the personal information.

The group will take all reasonable steps to protect the security of the personal information that it holds. This includes appropriate measures to protect electronic materials and materials stored and generated in hard copy.

Where information held by the group is no longer required to be held, and the retention is not required by law, then the group will destroy such personal information by secure means.


If an individual has any concerns regarding the privacy of personal information, then the individual may make a complaint to Nathan Wessling, the group’s CFO who will then endeavour to resolve the complaint.

Sources of Information

Where possible, the group will collect the information directly from individuals, customers and shareholders. If information is collected from third parties, such as published media, it will endeavour to verify such details with the person concerned.

The group acknowledges that there is no obligation for an individual to provide personal information. However, if an individual chooses not to provide the group with personal details, it may not be able to provide the individual with a full range of services or may reduce the ability of directly servicing the individual’s organisation.

Collection Statement

Purpose of the Collection

The group may require the collection of personal information to satisfy the needs of the organisation. The reasons for the collection of the personal information include, but are not limited to, employment relationships and dividend payments.

The group may need to give personal information to other organisations to comply with its legal obligations, such as auditors, legal advisers and the Australian Taxation Office (or any other relevant organisations).

Disclosure to an Organisation

Disclosure to external parties or entities will not occur without the individual’s consent except where disclosure is required by law.

The group acknowledges that there is no obligation for an individual to provide it with personal information. However, if an individual chooses not to provide the group with personal details, it may not be able to provide the individual with a full range of services or may reduce the ability of directly servicing the individual or their organisation.

Access Rights and Contact Details

The Privacy Act 1988 provides the right to access personal information held by the group. If the information is inaccurate, a request can be made to correct it.

Further information can be obtained by contacting the group’s nominated privacy officer. A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles can be accessed here.

Get in touch

Head Office
Level 1, 165 Grenfell St
Adelaide SA 5000

Postal Address
GPO Box 649
Adelaide SA 5001

P 08 8272 1612 / F 08 8272 4119