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540 mm
Manager: Jason Holloway
3345 Hectares

Keilira is located 34km North East of Kingston on the Avenue Range, a ridge of ancient sand hills. This range, along with the Fairview Drain which intersects the property, provides an ideal mix of high country and well-drained flats. The property was purchased in February 2024 making it the latest addition to AJ & PA McBride Ltd.

Keilira Station173

Property Location

Keilira, 34km North East of Kingston.
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Keilira Station was purchased in 2024 after being held by the wider McBride family for over sixty years. The property is familiar to the company as it is located between our Nepowie and Ashmore properties in the Avenue Range.

The property consists of well-drained black soil flats and sandy hills planted to lucerne. The dominant enterprise is a merino flock which produces approximately 400 bales. This enterprise is supported by a Merino/White Suffolk lamb flock and an Angus Herd.

Property purchase history
Block Date Purchased
Property Manager

Jason Holloway

2024 -

12 months at Keilira

Drag the slider to explore each stage of our Livestock Schedule


Drenching - Sheep

Drenching provides an effective way to administer parasite and worm control to sheep to keep them healthy. It is done at various times of the year.

Spraying - Crops/paddocks

Spraying crops and paddocks is done to reduce weed burden and weed competition with crops, as well as retain the available water profile for the crops. Crops are also sprayed to kill insects and diseases that negatively affect them.

Drenching - Sheep

Drenching provides an effective way to administer parasite and worm control to sheep to keep them healthy. It is done at various times of the year.

Calf Marking

Calves are marked with a property tag at approximately 2 months of age.

Lamb Marking - main

Lambs are usually marked between 2 and 12 weeks of age. Lamb marking involves tagging, castration of male lambs, tail docking and mulesing. Pain relief is administered to make this process easier for the lambs. Vaccinations are usually undertaken at this time.

Crutching - main

Sheep and lambs are mustered and crutched during the year. The wool is shorn from around their face and breech area. This helps to prevent flystrike and provides a cleaner fleece at shearing time.

Weaning - Lambs

Lambs are weaned after shearing. Lambs are separated from the ewes prior to shearing, shorn with the other lambs, drafted into ewe weaner and wether weaner lines and put in a paddock with other sheep of the same age.

Drenching - Sheep

Drenching provides an effective way to administer parasite and worm control to sheep to keep them healthy. It is done at various times of the year.

Weaning - Calves

Calves are weaned between 5-6 months of age. Cows are pregnancy tested at the same time and any dry cows are sold at market.

Sales – Sheep

Sheep are sold at various times of the year, mainly after shearing. This can be done to reduce the pressure on available stock feed. Sheep are also assessed for overall health and desired traits and sheep that do not meet the property criteria are sold.

Sales – Cattle

Cattle are sold to reduce the pressure on available stock feed. Cattle are also assessed for overall health and desired traits and those that do not meet the criteria are sold.

More properties in the South East South Australia Region


Located close to the coastal town of Kingston SE, Ashmore Station was the company's first South Eastern purchase in 1936.


Situated nearby the town of Lucindale, Brooklyn Station comprises a fine wool flock.


Nepowie Station is home to the company's two internal merino studs.


Located at Greenways on the Princes Highway, Konetta station produces fine wool, award winning prime lamb and beef.

Get in touch

Head Office
Level 1, 165 Grenfell St
Adelaide SA 5000

Postal Address
GPO Box 649
Adelaide SA 5001

P 08 8272 1612 / F 08 8272 4119