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222.1 mm
Manager: James Gibson
224,000 Hectares

Acquired in 2016, Yudnapinna Station, located 80km north west of Port Augusta is the company's most recent pastoral acquisition.

Property Location

Situated approximately 80 kilometres north-west of Port Augusta.
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Situated west of the Stuart highway about halfway between Port Augusta and Woomera, Yudnapinna can trace its pastoral origins to mid nineteenth century. The property was established by Thomas McTurk Gibson and was one of the largest sheep stations in South Australia, with peak shearing of 100,000 sheep in the 1850s.

Purchased by McBride in 2016, the property is currently 224,293 ha and has a maximum stocking level of 29,000 sheep, although dry conditions since acquisition have meant that current stocking levels are closer to half of the maximum.

Yudnapinna has water supply sourced from 11 major dams, 6 wells and 3 bores and is connected throughout the property. The northern part of the property also has a connection to mains water from the Woomera pipeline.

Property managers
James Gibson

12 months at Yudnapinna

Drag the slider to explore each stage of our Livestock Schedule


General Maintenance

There are always many jobs to do when you are not busy with stock or crop work. These could include assisting with vehicle maintenance, building and maintaining fences and yards, building upkeep and checking waters.

Water Runs

One of the most important tasks on the property - water runs involve checking tank levels, inspecting pipelines for leaks and cleaning out water troughs for stock, as well as checking on the general health and wellbeing of stock.

Aerial Mustering - Shearing

Planes and helicopters are used to muster livestock in the northern properties.

It is easier to see livestock from the air and the process is a lot quicker with eyes in the sky. Stock can be moved along and mobbed up in a timely manner.


One of the most exciting times of the year - shearing is the "harvest" period for the wool enterprise. Station staff bring the sheep from all corners of the property to the shearing shed, where a contract shearing team remove their fleece. The sheep are then provided with husbandry treatments before returning to their paddock, whilst wool is baled and sent to market.

General Maintenance

There are always many jobs to do when you are not busy with stock or crop work. These could include assisting with vehicle maintenance, building and maintaining fences and yards, building upkeep and checking waters.

Water Runs

One of the most important tasks on the property - water runs involve checking tank levels, inspecting pipelines for leaks and cleaning out water troughs for stock, as well as checking on the general health and wellbeing of stock.

Weaning - Lambs

Lambs are weaned after shearing. Lambs are separated from the ewes prior to shearing, shorn with the other lambs, drafted into ewe weaner and wether weaner lines and put in a paddock with other sheep of the same age.

Sales – Sheep

Sheep are sold at various times of the year, mainly after shearing. This can be done to reduce the pressure on available stock feed. Sheep are also assessed for overall health and desired traits and sheep that do not meet the property criteria are sold.

General Maintenance

There are always many jobs to do when you are not busy with stock or crop work. These could include assisting with vehicle maintenance, building and maintaining fences and yards, building upkeep and checking waters.

Water Runs

One of the most important tasks on the property - water runs involve checking tank levels, inspecting pipelines for leaks and cleaning out water troughs for stock, as well as checking on the general health and wellbeing of stock.

Sales – Wool

After the wool is harvested from the sheep the wool is put into bales and trucked off the property to the wool store. The wool is tested and sold via auction or direct to trade.

General Maintenance

There are always many jobs to do when you are not busy with stock or crop work. These could include assisting with vehicle maintenance, building and maintaining fences and yards, building upkeep and checking waters.

Water Runs

One of the most important tasks on the property - water runs involve checking tank levels, inspecting pipelines for leaks and cleaning out water troughs for stock, as well as checking on the general health and wellbeing of stock.

General Maintenance

There are always many jobs to do when you are not busy with stock or crop work. These could include assisting with vehicle maintenance, building and maintaining fences and yards, building upkeep and checking waters.

Water Runs

One of the most important tasks on the property - water runs involve checking tank levels, inspecting pipelines for leaks and cleaning out water troughs for stock, as well as checking on the general health and wellbeing of stock.

Lamb Marking - main

Lambs are usually marked between 2 and 12 weeks of age. Lamb marking involves tagging, castration of male lambs, tail docking and mulesing. Pain relief is administered to make this process easier for the lambs. Vaccinations are usually undertaken at this time.

Aerial Mustering - Lamb Marking

Planes and helicopters are used to muster livestock in the northern properties.

It is easier to see livestock from the air and the process is a lot quicker with eyes in the sky. Stock can be moved along and mobbed up in a timely manner.

General Maintenance

There are always many jobs to do when you are not busy with stock or crop work. These could include assisting with vehicle maintenance, building and maintaining fences and yards, building upkeep and checking waters.

Water Runs

One of the most important tasks on the property - water runs involve checking tank levels, inspecting pipelines for leaks and cleaning out water troughs for stock, as well as checking on the general health and wellbeing of stock.

General Maintenance

There are always many jobs to do when you are not busy with stock or crop work. These could include assisting with vehicle maintenance, building and maintaining fences and yards, building upkeep and checking waters.

Water Runs

One of the most important tasks on the property - water runs involve checking tank levels, inspecting pipelines for leaks and cleaning out water troughs for stock, as well as checking on the general health and wellbeing of stock.

General Maintenance

There are always many jobs to do when you are not busy with stock or crop work. These could include assisting with vehicle maintenance, building and maintaining fences and yards, building upkeep and checking waters.

Water Runs

One of the most important tasks on the property - water runs involve checking tank levels, inspecting pipelines for leaks and cleaning out water troughs for stock, as well as checking on the general health and wellbeing of stock.

General Maintenance

There are always many jobs to do when you are not busy with stock or crop work. These could include assisting with vehicle maintenance, building and maintaining fences and yards, building upkeep and checking waters.

Water Runs

One of the most important tasks on the property - water runs involve checking tank levels, inspecting pipelines for leaks and cleaning out water troughs for stock, as well as checking on the general health and wellbeing of stock.

Aerial Mustering - Crutching

Planes and helicopters are used to muster livestock in the northern properties.

It is easier to see livestock from the air and the process is a lot quicker with eyes in the sky. Stock can be moved along and mobbed up in a timely manner.

Crutching - main

Sheep and lambs are mustered and crutched during the year. The wool is shorn from around their face and breech area. This helps to prevent flystrike and provides a cleaner fleece at shearing time.

General Maintenance

There are always many jobs to do when you are not busy with stock or crop work. These could include assisting with vehicle maintenance, building and maintaining fences and yards, building upkeep and checking waters.

Water Runs

One of the most important tasks on the property - water runs involve checking tank levels, inspecting pipelines for leaks and cleaning out water troughs for stock, as well as checking on the general health and wellbeing of stock.

General Maintenance

There are always many jobs to do when you are not busy with stock or crop work. These could include assisting with vehicle maintenance, building and maintaining fences and yards, building upkeep and checking waters.

Water Runs

One of the most important tasks on the property - water runs involve checking tank levels, inspecting pipelines for leaks and cleaning out water troughs for stock, as well as checking on the general health and wellbeing of stock.

Mating - Sheep

Good management of breeding ewes plays an important role in achieving high lambing percentages. Rams are put out with the ewes at various times depending on the property. The gestation period for a sheep is 5 months.

General Maintenance

There are always many jobs to do when you are not busy with stock or crop work. These could include assisting with vehicle maintenance, building and maintaining fences and yards, building upkeep and checking waters.

Water Runs

One of the most important tasks on the property - water runs involve checking tank levels, inspecting pipelines for leaks and cleaning out water troughs for stock, as well as checking on the general health and wellbeing of stock.

Career Opportunities at Yudnapinna

Station Hand

Job type: Full-time, Permanent - ***Not suitable for WHV holders and international applicants without Australia work rights***

Donations & Sponsorships

  • Glendambo Gymkhana

    AJ & PA McBride's North Well, Wilgena and Yudnapinna Stations are pleased to sponsor the Glendambo Races and support the local community.

    Read more

More properties in the North West Pastoral Region


Located near the railway town of Tarcoola, Wilgena is the company's largest property by area.

Get in touch

Head Office
Level 1, 165 Grenfell St
Adelaide SA 5000

Postal Address
GPO Box 649
Adelaide SA 5001

P 08 8272 1612 / F 08 8272 4119